We prohibit users from discussing, depicting, or promoting illegal and some regulated goods. Expressing support, condoning, or glorifying mass shootings and other acts of domestic terrorism or violent extremism.Fundraising for terrorist or extremist organizations, people, or supporting groups.Recruiting membership for a terrorist or extremist organization, or encouraging others to leave Roblox to find such information.Expressing support, condoning, or glorifying terrorist extremist ideologies or actions.References to the ideologies, messages, or strategies of terrorist and extremist organizations.Sharing the slogans, images, flags, manifestos, or icons of terrorist or extremist organizations, either in whole or in readily identifiable part.Depictions of or support for the leaders or representatives of terrorist or extremist organizations.Depictions of or support for terrorist or extremist attacks.Roblox has a zero tolerance policy for content or behavior that incites, condones, supports, glorifies, or promotes any terrorist or extremist organization or individual (foreign or domestic), and their ideology, or actions, including: We appreciate your cooperation with these Standards and commitment to keeping Roblox safe and civil. For more information about the legal terms that govern your use of Roblox, head over to our Terms of Use. If you see something that you think violates the Community Standards, or otherwise makes you feel unsafe, please let us know by using the Report Abuse feature. We’re always learning, so as our community evolves and our platform grows, these Standards may change too. For some behavior that violates these Standards, such as behavior that poses a real-world risk to others, we reserve the right to contact or cooperate with the relevant authorities in order to keep everyone safe.

We ask that you respect our Standards and each other at all times - and understand that violating them may result in enforcement action against your account(s) and content. For 17+ experiences, please see Roblox’s 17+ Policy Standards. These Standards apply to all of your actions on Roblox and with other Robloxians, both online and at real-world events hosted by Roblox. We’ve created these Community Standards to help ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome in our shared adventure. We believe in building a safe, civil, and diverse community-one that inspires and fosters creativity and positive relationships between people around the world. All of these experiences are built by the Roblox community, made up of millions of creators. Every day, tens of millions of people around the world have fun with friends as they explore millions of immersive digital experiences. Roblox’s mission is to connect a billion people with optimism and civility.